1. What is this website?

    This is the front end for my minecraft server scanner. I created it to browse the scanned entries and search for particular players or servers.

  2. Why sometimes I cannot see the players on a server?

  3. Even if the server shows online players, that information is controlled by the server admin, this website tries to filter for potentially fake players so only shows real players on the player list.

  4. Why some servers have their image as 'Tap to show'?

    It means the server has a custom image or favicon, as these may contain nudity or explicit content, the user can choose to see the favicon or not.

  5. What does 'total' and 'unique' mean on the entries count?

    Total is every entry in the scanned server database, the scanner covers the entire internet multiple times, this can result in scanning the same server several times, this is intended. The unique count is every unique server IP.

  6. What does 'Player not authenticated by Mojang/Microsoft' mean?

    It can mean either of 2 things, the server responded with a fake player UUID, or the server is cracked and allows offline accounts to connect to it.